Friday, October 2, 2009

Lesson 1 (sun)

We had a great week! They loved the noodle art, but maybe that is because they got to eat the noodles that they didn't use. Christian and Riley both did really good on there sun and letter s.
Christian is really trying to learn the sound of the letter of the week. That is great because he has never cared about there names. It will all come in time. He is still little.

We got to make a sundial this week. They loved going out to check it. We watched it all day today. We also got to go outside and make shadows. We read the book Bear Shadow to go along with learning about the sun. They really enjoyed the story and going back though it the see all the was bear tried to get rid of his shadow.

We also had music today. They listened to a Mozart song and tried to balance a bean bag on there head. They thought it was fun.

They beg to do school all the time and they talk about how they love there teacher :) We are all loving homeschooling. It has been the best thing for our family.

Poor Eli is still having trouble with all the changes but it will all get better with time. I am looking for Eli so special toys that he can only play with during school time to see if that helps.

Next week we get the learn what m says and about the moon!